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Competence Center:


Design for Excellence (DfX) starts in the early stages of the development process so that products are manufactured efficiently, cost-effectively and with the right quality. The requirements of the value chain and the product life cycle are combined using complexity management in the product design. To support the development process, the IT environment is digitally designed throughout.

Geschäftsfrau schreibt Leistungskonzept, das die Effizienz der Qualität steigert und Kosten senkt. Blauer Hintergrund. Komplexität der Produkte beherrschen.

Do you master the complexity of your products?

We would be happy to support you in implementing product kits and modularized product structures in your product portfolio. By developing according to your requirements, unnecessary complexity is avoided overall and efficiency is increased. The interaction of the development and manufacturing process is coordinated with the product design.

Eine Karte mit dem Wort Cost (Kosten) wird mit einer Schere durchgeschnitten. Kosten reduzieren/halbieren. Ist der EBIT der Produkte genügend?

Is the EBIT of your products sufficient?

We would be happy to carry out a functional value analysis of your product with you in order to identify any superfluous functions and oversized components. Further costs can be saved through material substitution, optimized manufacturability and reduction of assembly effort. In order to demonstrate our full commitment, we are also willing to have our expenses remunerated based on the profit maximization achieved.

Box in einem Trolley auf einer Laptop-Tastatur. Ideen zum Online-Shopping, Online-Shopping ist eine Form des elektronischen Geschäftsverkehrs, mit der Verbraucher Waren direkt über das Internet von einem Verkäufer kaufen können. Über das Produktdesign das Beschaffungswesen optimieren.

Can your procurement system be optimized through the product design?

We are happy to contribute our knowledge to reduce the number of suppliers through product design. The potential for negotiation discounts increases while procurement costs and transport costs decrease. Storage costs can be reduced in a targeted manner through component consolidation and the choice of production technology. For global procurement, we implement designs with components that are available worldwide and the corresponding product documentation. The manufacturing flexibility increases accordingly.

Digitales Hintergrundbild mit Netzwerkverbindung und Cloud-Computing-Konzept. Produktentwicklung digital durchgängig machen. Durchgängigkeit. Digitalisierung.

Is your product development digitally consistent?

We would be happy to advise you on the implementation of digital consistency and digital automation in the area of product development. This avoids sources of error, manual effort and duplicate data. We work with specialists to develop interface solutions for IT systems such as configurators, macro solutions and databases. We implement the parametric design in CAD models. Or support in the implementation away from the 2D drawing to the 3D master model.

"User Centered Design" written in sketchbook on wood board. It is located on the center. Close up. In diagonal angle. Sind ihre Produkte nutzerorientiert gestaltet.

Are your products user-oriented?

We would be happy to support you in implementing your product solution using «User Centered Design». During development, the focus is on the user, resulting in a highly functional, user-friendly, ergonomic product. The main focus is that the human-machine interaction interface is intuitive.

Computer Science Engineer mit Virtual Reality Headset arbeitet mit 3D-Modell-Hologram-Visualisierung, macht Gesten. Im Background Engineering Bureau mit beschäftigten Mitarbeitern. CAD-Daten. Daten nutzen, um Produkte zu animieren. Virtualität. Animation.

Do you use your CAD data to animate products virtually?

We would be happy to support you in the transfer of CAD data to interactive animations. The diverse application potential lies in the areas of training, production, service and marketing. Language-independent 3D animations are created with little effort. Translation work and misunderstandings due to the interpretation of text or drawing-based documents can thus be avoided.

Our Services

Structured analysis reduces and avoids the complexity of the product and the process of the value chain.​



  • Analysis of the current situation (direct and indirect functions)

  • Definition TARGET

  • potential derivation

  • Implementation (avoid, reduce, master complexity)



  • Cost effective product design

  • right quality

  • Efficient development / manufacturing


The Team

Rene Schneebeli.jpg

"Methodically, we develop cost-optimized products that are tailored to the customer's own value chain."

René Schneebeli
Chief CC DfX

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