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Competence Center:


Our dedicated team of AI experts specializes in a wide array of technologies and applications, such as embedded systems, quantitative analysis, predictive maintenance, process control and optimization, computer vision, and IoT.  

Our hands-on approach ensures that we deliver innovative solutions for industries including manufacturing, healthcare, home automation, sport, wearables, finance, insurance, energy, smart cities, smart farming, and more. By integrating advanced techniques such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing, we help you maximize efficiency and productivity in your operations, products, and services.  


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Are you using the full potential of your data?

Our team of AI and data experts can help you discover hidden insights and maximise the value of your data. By implementing advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms, we can optimise your business processes, reduce costs and drive innovation in your organisation.

Der CPU-Chip auf der Hauptplatine. Hi-Tech-Konzept. System volles Potenzial ausnutzen. AI-Fähigkeiten ausschöpfen.

Can your system realise the full potential of AI capabilities?

Our team specialises in integrating AI technologies into embedded systems, ensuring that you leverage the latest advances in AI to improve your products and services. From efficient hardware selection to optimised software implementation, we help you maximise the potential of AI in your embedded systems.

Biegen Sie den optimalen Weg unter allen möglichen Bewegungsoptionen. Strategische Unternehmensplanung, Risikomanagement. Neue Marktchancen. Aktionsplan, Lösungsweg. Optimierung, Anpassung des Prozesses. Robuste und langfristige Strategien für AI und Daten. Dem Wettbewerb voraus sein. Fortschritt.

How to stay ahead of the competition through robust long-term AI and data strategy?

We help you develop a comprehensive, forward-looking AI roadmap that aligns with your business goals and industry trends. We work closely with your team to identify opportunities, minimise risks and prioritise AI initiatives to ensure long-term success and sustainability in an ever-evolving technological environment.

Konzept der Automobilfabrik Digitalisierung Industrie 4.0: Automated Robot Arm Assembly Line Manufacturing High-Tech Green Energy Electric Vehicles. AI Computer Vision Analyzing, Scanning Production Efficiency. AI. Künstliche Intelligenz nutzen um Fertigungsprozesse zu optimieren.

How can you use AI to optimise your manufacturing processes?

Our manufacturing solutions combine AI, machine learning and advanced analytics to optimise production processes, minimise downtime and improve the overall quality of your products. By implementing intelligent systems for predictive maintenance, process optimisation and real-time monitoring, we can help you achieve greater efficiency and productivity in your manufacturing processes.

Roboter, der Schachfiguren auf Schachbrett bewegt, Nahaufnahme. Mit künstlicher Intelligenz, AI, Innovationen vorantreiben.

Are you using the power of AI to drive innovation?

Our experts help you identify and implement advanced AI technologies that can transform your business and make it more agile, innovative and competitive. By leveraging our expertise in Machine Learning, Big Data and IoT, we can create unique solutions that set your business apart.

Server Room IKT Informations-Kommunikationstechnologie drahtlose Internetverbindung große Datenverarbeitungszentrum. IOT Internet der Dinge. Strukturen. Alte Strukturen für neue Inhalte. Werden ihre Strukturen den Anforderungen neuer Technologien gerecht (KI, Big Data).

Can your current structure meet the requirements of AI and Big Data?

Our team can assess and improve your infrastructure or develop a new, robust data platform to meet the demands of AI and Big Data.  Our solutions are scalable and adaptable to support your growth and business needs. We build future-proof architectures that can accommodate new data sources and algorithms.

Business Intelligence-Konzept-Mitarbeiter, der das BI auswählt. Wobei BI für Business Intelligence steht, also die Entscheidung, um dafür zu sorgen, dass man das Wachstum der Organisation fördert. Entscheidungen treffen. Wachstum fördern.

Do you use business intelligence to make decisions and drive growth in your organisation?

Our data-driven business intelligence solutions enable informed decisions and proactive strategies through real-time analytics and AI integration to drive growth and efficiency.

Our Services

Analyst arbeitet mit Business Analytics und Data Management System auf dem Computer, um Berichte mit KPI und Messgrößen verbunden mit Datenbank. Unternehmensstrategie für Finanzen, Operationen, Vertrieb, Marketing. Zusammenarbeit. Anforderungen. Ziele. Massgeschneiderte Lösungen.

We work closely with you to understand your specific requirements, goals and existing infrastructure. This allows us to develop customised AI solutions that optimise your operations and drive success.


The Team

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"Transforming the world one industry at a time, our AI Competence Center bridges the gap between cutting-edge technology and practical implementation. Empowering businesses with AI-driven solutions, we consistently deliver impactful results in real-world applications." 

Alessandro Chiruzzi
Chief CC Artificial Intelligence

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